Pharma Journals

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Innovative Research

IJPSIR is a worldwide multidisciplinary, quarterly, open access, peer-reviewed, online pharmacy journal. The aim of IJPSIR…

International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences

International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences (IJRDPL) is the official publication…

Advances in Applied and Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal

Advances in Applied & Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal (AAPSJ) is an international open access, Scientific,monthly publishing…

Journal of biochemical bio pharma & biomedical sciences

Journal of Biochemical biopharmaceutical and biomedical sciences (JBBBS) is a quarterly, international, open access, journal…

International Journal of Pharma & Allied Sciences Archive

International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences, India International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences Archive…

Online Journal of Pharmaceutical and BioSciences

Online Journal of Pharmaceutical and BioSciences, India Journal of Pharmaceutical and BioSciences is an interdisciplinary…

International Journal of Pharma & Bio Sciences

The International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences (IJPBS) is an international online Journal in…

Journal of Chemical, Environmental and Pharma Research

International Journal of Chemical, Environmental and Pharmaceutical Research (IJCEPR) is a truly international and interdisciplinary…

International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research

The "International Journal of Life Sciences & Pharma Research" (IJLPR) is an international English published…

International Research Journal of Pharmacy, India

International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) is a open access monthly online Journal, which publishes…

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation

The Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation (JPSI) is a peer reviewed open access freely available…

Journal of Pharma SciTech

Journal of PharmaSciTech is a peer-reviewed bi-annual scientific publication of Trinity Trust, Sasol, West Bengal,…

Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science

Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science journal (JAPS) is a monthly, international, open access, journal dedicated to…

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