OJS Journal Systems

Interested in publishing of Open Source Journals? Whether you are starting from scratch or already have an online Journal publication, we can help. We provide end to end services on PKP platform for open access Journals. Journal owners can publish quality research without bothering about the technicalities. Check OJS Pricing

OJS Themes

We provide multiple themes for publishing OJS journals. Check OJS Themes.


We provide economical domain registration & hosting on world class servers. The charges are in proportion to your requirements.


You can choose the theme & the features. We can customize the workflow also according to the organization.


Our experts can provide training to you on Open Source Journals


Assured reliable services from one of the top 20 most promising companies with clients in 90+ countries. You also retain full control over your publication. Select the best policies (e.g., copyright, access, peer-review, conflict of interest, etc.) for your Journal. All of the content is yours. If you choose to move to a different service, we'll help with the transition. Leave the technical details to us and get on with publishing- Get a Price Quote Now.

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Amazing offerings for online Journals
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